One Year Blogging: A Year in Review


Happy ‘Blogiversary’ to us ! 

Unfortunately there is no celebratory cake, but that’s only because we are still working thorough Alex’s birthday cake from last week!  Yum! 😀

A delicious, homemade, raw, vegan cake… still defrosting at this stage!


It was one year ago today that we created our first post and now one-hundred and fifty posts later we decided to look back at that first one; an article discussing diet and exercise! It’s hard looking back at any of our first posts without being critical, but we should all embrace our previous experiences, learn from it and move on.

Initially publishing content seemed impossible; from battling with a one week, self-led crash course in WordPress (WP), inclusive of plenty of hair pulling and profanities(!), to the thought of having a published voice was, in all honesty (at least at the time), a little bit daunting!

We think that those that persevere and battle through all of WP’s ‘techy wizardry’, social media platforms and who generally take a leap of faith will agree that it is an amazing roller coaster ride, one that you cannot completely prepare yourself for!

Blogging doesn’t really come with a manual or person spec, although there are plenty of websites and eBooks to help with promotion and IT troubleshooting, it just comes with a learning curve. A right of passage which involves learning how to use HTML, SEO, analytics, correct tags and formatting, in addition to learning how to proof read like your life depends on it, the reality of how long it actually takes to create quality content and even knowing what direction you’re going with it. You will also (and most importantly) develop the ability not to sweat the small stuff, especially when it does not go to plan.

Anyone that starts blogging will start out with an idea or a ‘plan’, but what has materialised one, four or even twelve months on? Even the best intentions can change, but it doesn’t mean that we should give up on our goals. Our blog is our own. Our own creative outlet that we have decided to share with the world! We will all have different expectations and measurements for success, but the key is passion, hard work and commitment. Keep hold of why you started blogging in the first place. You cannot compare your progress to others, expect to have overnight success or even assume that your last three months of Google Analytics will be indicative of your next six. We’re pretty sure that we’ve read somewhere that about half of all new blogs give up after nine months; anyone belonging to this crazy ‘blogosphere’ could easily emphasise with this.

It you are new to blogging, please don’t give up! Inspiration and motivation comes and goes with the reality that blogging is hard work, but it’s also very rewarding! It can almost end up being a full-time job, but unless your blog is your business, you need to be realistic about it. Like all the other components in your life, it’s just one more to learn how to juggle and to find balance with. Our lives will inevitability encroach upon our blogging goals, but it might also help to inspire new ideas…which is fantastic because blogs continuously need new, genuine and interesting content.

We’ve really enjoyed blogging; from meeting new people, reading your guys fantastic posts, discovering new islands in the Pacific Ocean and having a lot of self-discovery, reflection and personal growth along the way. One bonus about providing food posts is that we can finally put all of our recipes in one place… instead of countless pieces of paper and notebooks! Yes, a virtual notebook that can also be used to highlight what we actually eat when we say to people that we consume ‘plant-based foods’ and of course the response is “so what do you eat?!” 😛

As you guys will know, Eat2Health encompasses ways on making sure you can make healthy and informed decisions regarding your health, as we all deserve to be healthy, happy and in control of our life. We’d like to thank everyone that has supported, inspired and joined us over the last year. We really love hearing about the things that you have enjoyed or how we might of helped you in some way; it’s priceless. There are no words to describe what you mean to us but we would like to reciprocate by saying that our door is always open. We always appreciate feedback and if there is a topic you would like to know more about (even about blogging) then please do not hesitate in dropping us a line!

We’d also like to mention that it’s been really interesting to see the search terms and the literature that has taken the most interest and maybe even resonated with you. Based on your views, here are Eat2Health’s all-time top five recipes and articles over the last year:


All-Time Top 5 Recipes


All-Time Top 5 Articles


So again,thanks so much for joining us for year one!  What would you like to see more of during year two? Please share your ideas below. We’ve got a few possible ideas in the pipeline and are definitely looking forward to another great year ahead! 😀

Happy blogging everyone and let’s always remember that when we put our minds to it, we are all capable of great things! ❤


1 Year Anniversary Achievement


Feature Image: Pink-birthday-cupcake By: ladybug-julie_Flickr

32 thoughts on “One Year Blogging: A Year in Review

  1. Congrats! This article hit home for me. I’ve just started blogging for no other reason than I find it a challenge to take cool photos of food and travels. And I like to share crafts. Goofy, I know. But it’s been fun learning to set up my blog.

    Your “hair pulling” line made me laugh. I have often woken up after several nights of tossing and turning with a technical problem only to jump up, yell to my husband, “I’ve figured it out!” while running into the computer room to attack said problem. Why don’t I just go to “support” and ask? I don’t know. Maybe because I don’t like to read manuals. LOL

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Sandra! Thanks for this wonderful comment and a big congrats on taking the plunge into the ‘blogosphere’! We think that blogging is a great medium (never goofy!) to document all of our important life events and/or share a bit of our knowledge, experiences and/or passions! 🙂

      Lol, hair pulling and more cusses in a week than an entire lifetime (well, probably!)! Lol yes, our minds never stop either and it can be annoying to have to tackle problems at all hours, but you cannot stop creatively or those ‘light-bulb’ moments. Ironically, using WP is probably the easiest thing about blogging now!

      Manuals smanuals! You can learn more by trial and error and getting your hands dirty sometimes! LoL and the support option isn’t always that useful anyways! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi,
    I know Joan, Maja, Gouchis Girl, Raphaela…
    Thank you for coming to the Inspire Me Monday linky party today. I am glad you liked it!
    Congratulations on your Blogversary. I am celebrating my one-year blogging anniversary too. WordPress also sent me a trophy. I was going to throw myself a virtual party with a virtual cake and have a Meet and Greet to celebrate on Saturday. Thanks again for the visit today.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Janice! Welcome to Eat2Health. Our pleasure; there seems to be loads of party’s going on at the moment, but it’s great to be meeting so many nice people in this community! 😀
      Thanks! We still can’t believe it’s been one year. That’s great! Congrats on all of your hard work too! What have you found the hardest about blogging? That sounds fun! What time is it on Saturday? We have a few appt’s, but the time difference might work in our favour! No worries and thanks for stopping by Eat2Health. ~Lynn & Alex 🙂


    1. Hi Angie,Thanks for your kind words and for stopping by Eat2Health! We see that you have a fairly new blog with healthy recipes and fitness motivation! We would like to wish you the best of luck with your new adventure and many happy days blogging ahead! 🙂


    1. Thanks so much Nora! Congrats on your progress too! Exactly, sometimes our commitments get on top of us, our minds go blank and we struggle with it, but the last thing we want it to feel like is another chore! Renewing our focus can really help, even if that means taking a little break. We’re glad that you’ve found this helpful and hope that carry on blogging too! Happy blogging and all the best! ~Lynn & Alex 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Hey pixel. Congratulations for your first year as a blogger!! And thank you for the advice; I started my blog a couple of monts ago and I’m very excited about it. I hope not to find myself abandoning it, I really want to continue with my blog, and why not?, if I can earn some money from it.
    I hope your blog continues too. I really enjoy it. If you want to make some blog collaboration with me, please let me know about it.
    Thank you 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for the lovely comment Silvia! We’re really glad that you have been enjoying our blog and to be of help! Blogging really is a journey worth continuing with. More collaboration is something that we are definitely thinking about in the new year (too busy at the moment!); we’ll keep you updated. Keep up the great blogging! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person
